For current info please visit
For current info please visit
Information on Water & Sewer Upgrades: North Rosedale Park
Information on Water & Sewer Upgrades: Cornerstone Village
Information about the Lead Safe Detroit program.
Lead is encountered when it reaches lead service lines and household plumbing with lead-based components and other materials.
Information on Stormwater Project: Oakman Boulevard
Fenkell Stormwater Projects
West Chicago Stormwater Improvement Project
Brightmoor Stormwater Improvement Project
East Side Stormwater Resiliency Planning Study
Sewer Improvements Project Near Riverside Park
West Warren/Parkland Neighborhood Stormwater Management Project
Overview of the DWSD capital improvement program.
Overview of DWSD's stormwater management activities and the drainage charge.
Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) Capital Partnership Program provides funding to chosen non-residential property owners to support stormwater management through green infrastructure.
Funded by the Sate of Michigan, DWSD is replacing lead service lines it has encountered during previous maintenance work near residential properties.
Information about DWSD contracts and procurements, including the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN)
Find out about DWSD's Green Stormwater Infrastructure Plan
Construction projects for planned water and sewer upgrades and emergency repairs
Detailed engineering specifications used in project contract documents as a standard by which all DWSD projects are developed.
System plans covering improvements and expansion to fresh water and wastewater networks, as well as technical specifications for plumbing and water drainage systems.