For current info please visit
Join the Detroit Census Neighborhood Challenge
Community groups with the highest increase in Census response rates by July 31st can win a $1000 gift card. Registration deadline for block clubs, community groups and organizations is July 9th.
2020 Census Ends September 30
With a little over a month left before the 2020 Census ends Sept. 30, Detroit officials are imploring residents to complete the Census online, by phone or at one of 30 kiosks located across the city. It’s just that simple.
Over the next five weeks, residents can expect to see both official U.S. Census Bureau enumerators and volunteer canvassers in bright gold Census t-shirts fanning out across the city in an all-out effort to increase the response rate. Census volunteers also will work feverishly through door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, visiting area grocery stores and attending large-scale events to get residents to complete the Census on the spot.
Residents can complete the Census right from their home by:
Going online to:
Calling (844) 330-2020 (English)
Calling (844) 468-2020 (Spanish)
Completing the form that was mailed to their home
In addition, there are 30 Census kiosks across the city where residents can complete the Census in 5-10 minutes.
District 1
Apollo Market, 20250 W. Seven Mile Road, 48219
Digimax, 18461 W. McNichols Road, 48219
District 2
Savon Foods, 18000 Livernois, 48221
Imperial Fresh Market, 14424 Schaefer Hwy., 48227
Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers, 48235 (2 kiosks)
District 3
The Matrix Employment Center/ Osborn, 13560 E. McNichols Road, 48205
Imperial Foods, 5800 Caniff, 48212
Imperial Supermarket, 1940 E. Eight Mile Road, 48234
Pick and Save Supermarket, 7404 E. Seven Mile Road, 48234
District 4
Gratiot Rigley Drugs, 12278 Gratiot Avenue, 48205
Samaritan Center, 5555 Conner, 48213
Delpointe Food Center, 16700 Harper, 48224
District 5
Parkway Food Store, 11250 E. Jefferson Avenue, 48214
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (Lobby), 2 Woodward Avenue, 48226
Lafayette Foods, 1565 E. Lafayette, 48207
Detroit Water and Sewerage Customer Care Center, 735 Randolph St., 48226
Wayne County Treasurer, 400 Monroe, 48226
36th District Court, 421 Madison St., 48226
District 6
University Foods, 1131 W. Warren Avenue, 48201
Family Food Superstore, 8665 Rosa Parks Blvd., 48206
CHASS-Community Health and Social Service Center, 5635 Fort Street, 48209
Detroit Community Health Connection, 6550 W. Warren Avenue, 48210
Prince Valley Market, 5391 Michigan Avenue, 48210
DDOT Rosa Parks Transit Center, 360 Michigan Avenue, 48226
Wayne State University - Student Center, 5221 Gullen Mall, 48202
District 7
Detroit Association of Black Organizations, 12048 Grand River Avenue, 48204
Islamic Center, 14350 Tireman Avenue, 48228
Saturn Super Foods, 20221 Joy Road, 48228
Grand Price Market, 12955 Grand River Avenue, 48227
- As we work out way through this crisis, one small but very important action everyone can take now, to help our City and its people, is to fill out their 2020 Census.
- This one action will take most people about 10 minutes, but it will impact our City for the next ten years, especially in the areas of health care, food and emergency services—all the things that are so critical in this crisis.
- Spread the word! Participation in the census has never been easier. Go online to or call the toll free number 844-330-2020 or using the paper form.
- Your personal information is protected by federal law, so on the Census form you must use the address where you actually stay, even if it’s different than the one on your license.
- Now more than ever, if you live in Detroit Be Counted as a Detroiter!
Here’s how we’re working to count every Detroiter:
Partnering with Community Organizations
We’re partnering with community organizations from every sector of the city. Together we’ll reach out, block by block, to encourage people to sign up as volunteers and to consider paid temporary Census jobs.
Reaching Out
We’re reaching out to hard-to-count populations. People without internet access, low-income households, people with disabilities, people of color, undocumented immigrants, people who don’t speak English and members of the LGBT community are among the hardest people to count in the Census.
Fighting Misinformation
We’re fighting misinformation. Under federal law, information you provide to the Census is confidential and cannot be used for anything other than statistical purposes. Your information cannot be shared with other government agencies, private companies, law enforcement, courts or individuals.
An accurate Census count is crucial for Detroit. It will help ensure not only fair political representation in Washington, D.C., and Lansing, but also how much federal funding is sent to the City and the State of Michigan for all sorts of programs, from Medicare and Medicaid, schools and Head Start to highway planning and construction, and nutrition and housing assistance for low-income families.

If you count on HEALTH CARE, BE COUNTED!
Michigan receives $8.3 billion a year in federal funding for Medicaid and Medicare, and Detroit gets $2 billion. An accurate count of Detroit’s population ensures Detroiters get their fair share.

If you count on EDUCATION, BE COUNTED!
The federal government grants more than $1.5 billion to Michigan for schools, Head Start and school lunch programs. Detroit’s fair share depends on an accurate Census count.

Michigan receives $2.6 billion a year in food assistance for low-income families from the federal government. An accurate Census count makes sure Detroit gets its fair share of that funding.

If you count on ROADS, BE COUNTED!
Michigan gets over $1 billion dollars for road construction from the federal government, based on the Census count.
We need your help to make sure everyone is counted in Census 2020. Here’s how you can help:
- Host a Census sign up event for people in the neighborhood, at local businesses
- Volunteer at City sign up events
- Ask local business to put up poster, cards for customers
- Tweet, share, spread the word about the census with family, friends, colleagues
- Help neighbors w/o computer to sign up online
Apply for Job
- Work for the US Census Bureau!
- Go to: to apply
Note: You can only download entire kit and not individual files.