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Police Freedom of Information Act FAQ

What is a Police FOIA?

FOIA is an acronym for the Michigan of Information Acts Request MCL,seq.

All FOIA requests must be in writing and describe a public record sufficiently to enable the public body to find the public record.  (MCL15.231 et seq.) 

How do I file Police FOIA?

You may download a copy of the Detroit Police FOIA form to submit a FOIA request.


Where do I submit the Police FOIA?

Please submit your completed form or written request to the City of Detroit in one of the following ways:
        1. Via U.S. Mail or Hand delivery to the
        City of Detroit Law Department FOIA Division
        Coleman A. Young Municipal Building
        2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 500
        Detroit, Michigan 48226    

       2.  Fax No.:   313-224-5505
       3.  Email Address:     [email protected]


What type of information is needed for Police FOIA?

The following information is required to search for police records:

  • description of the incident;
  • date of incident and if known time of incident
  • address or location where the incident occurred and
  • names of individuals involved in the matter

Without this information, your request may be denied as the Police Department requires such information in order to conduct a search for the record.(s)

What kind of information can I receive?

Police Records that may be available include:

  • 911 Audio Recordings
  • 911 CAD Reports
  • Police Dash-Cam Videos
  • Arrest Reports
  • Mug Shots
  • Incident Reports