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Rental code will be enforced citywide beginning immediately; no longer scheduled by zip code


Rental code will be enforced citywide beginning immediately; no longer scheduled by zip code

The City of Detroit is moving from rental property compliance that uses scheduled zip codes for enforcement to a citywide model. No longer will inspectors from the Buildings, Safety Engineering & Environmental Department (BSEED) move from zip code to zip code during set timeframes to inspect and enforce the rental code. All renters across the city will have the confidence that the City of Detroit will initiate enforcement measures if their landlord has put them in unsafe living conditions.

“The confusion in the courts due to the zip code scheduled enforcement, a large number of evictions, and an unprecedented amount of public assistance available to pay rent during the last sixteen months are the primary drivers for this change,” said BSEED Director David Bell

The zip code roll-out schedule initiated in 2018, and in two scheduled phases since that time, will be modified to reflect that all rental properties regardless of zip code are required to be registered and to have a Certificate of Compliance effective immediately. BSEED will not proactively pursue ticketing in the final three zip codes (48240, 48226, and 48239) until October unless there is a complaint. However, the law states that all occupied rental properties must have a City of Detroit Rental Registration and a Certificate of Compliance.

The City’s rental ordinance is the basis for the enforcement measures. Currently there are 8906 registered rental properties in the City of Detroit and over 5188 have Certificates of Compliance.

BSEED staff are discussing opportunities to further improve the rental ordinance, including the registration requirements.

Resources available to renters and landlords:

This announcement does not impact Mayor Duggan’s July 19 deadline for landlords to make sure that flood-damaged properties are safe for tenants. Beginning July 20, renters who live in unsafe conditions due to flooding should call 313-267-8000.