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City of Detroit Corporation Counsel urges Detroiters to avoid dealing with Ramzu Yunus; there's no such thing as a free home


City of Detroit Corporation Counsel urges Detroiters to avoid dealing with Ramzu Yunus; there's no such thing as a free home

Below is a statement from Lawrence T. Garcia, Detroit Corporation Counsel:

Like a snake oil salesman in the movies, Ramzu Yunus came to town this summer with a story that sounds too good to be true. He has falsely promised “free homes” and has falsely told Detroiters they have the right to “occupy” houses in Detroit – even without owning the property.

No one should buy what Mr. Yunus is selling.

First of all, he is dangerous. According to the Wayne County Circuit Court and the Detroit Police, Mr. Yunus was involved in an armed standoff just a few weeks ago, before he was arrested. He is out of police custody now and talking about violence as part of his plan.

Second, Mr. Yunus is wrong about the law. The Wayne County Circuit Court has issued a preliminary injunction, ordering Mr. Yunus to stop issuing fake paperwork that claims to create ownership rights in Detroit property. The Court has also ordered him not to trespass on land he does not own. There are no “free houses” in Detroit; squatting and trespassing on property you do not own is a crime. See MCL 750.552, 750.553 and DCC 31-4-1.

There is an active case before a Wayne County Judge to resolve problems caused by Mr. Yunus’s campaign of deception. Detroiters should be aware of the disputes and problems that surround his scheme.