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Board of Police Commissioners welcomes two new employees in its investigative arm


Board of Police Commissioners welcomes two new employees in its investigative arm, the Office of the Chief Investigator

The City of Detroit Board of Police Commissioners has two new investigators, Pastella Williams and Ellen Counts, joining the Board’s Office of the Chief Investigator (OCI) effective Monday, August 23, 2021.

“The Board is pleased to welcome these two new investigators and expect to swear in both with civilian investigator badges at our Thursday, August 26, 2021 meeting,” Chair Jim Holley announced.

The City Charter, which establishes the Board as the civilian oversight authority over the Police Department, makes the Board responsible for receiving complaints against police officers and other Police Department employees. As part of its authority over complaints, the Board investigates non-criminal complaints through its Office of the Chief Investigator.

Through July 31, 2021, OCI received 782 complaints. It received 1,144 complaints in 2020, a slight decrease from 1,155 complaints filed in 2019.

The Board provides brochures with information for how to file a complaint in English, Spanish, Arabic and Bengali at the City website, police precincts, and public library branches. The public also can call the OCI complaint line anytime at 313-596-2499 or fax a complaint to 313.596.2482. An online form is available at

While the public also can file a complaint in person at the Office of the Chief Investigator, located at 900 Merrill Plaisance, or at any DPD precinct, the Board urges everyone to follow CDC precautions for preventing COVID-19 and its variants.