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Transportation Pass

Transportation FAQ

Are DDOT buses ADA accessible?

Yes! All of DDOT's buses and routes are ADA accessible.

How much does it cost to ride the bus?

Full and reduced fares are available for Dart regional and DDOT passes. The 4-hour pass is $2 and the 24-hour pass is $5. Please visit Transportation Fares for more information. 

Where do I purchase bus passes?

DDOT sells bus passes at a number of convenient locations throughout the Detroit Metropolitan area for our customers. You can find locations here.

How do I obtain a bus schedule?
Bus schedules are available on our website, by calling our Customer Service Line at (313) 933-1300 and requesting a schedule from our Customer Service Representatives and at various locations throughout the Detroit Metropolitan area.
Can I bring my pet on the bus?

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, service animals are allowed on buses.  Service animals means any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.

Service animals must be under control by the person with disabilities at all times, and must not occupy a seat and must either sit on the floor, or on the person's lap.  If the animal is not under the control of the owner or if the animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, the operator may require the animal to leave the bus.  Animals that serve as support/comfort animals or dogs not considered service animals are not permitted on the bus.

Is there someone available to help me plan a trip?
Yes! There are three options for obtaining help with your trip:
DDOT's Online Trip Planner

•By telephone, (313) 933-1300, via our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System 

•Speaking with a Customer Service Representative 
How do I signal to the driver I want to exit the bus?

Signal for your stop a block ahead by pulling the bell cord found above the window or by pressing the signal strip between the windows. For safety reasons, use the rear door when exiting and push the bar on the rear door after the green light is activated. The door will automatically open for you to exit.

What happens if the bus is full?

Depending on the bus model, 48 – 52 passengers are typically seated on a bus. There is also room to safely transport passengers who stand behind the yellow or white floor marker. For safety reasons, passengers should not stand in either the front or rear door wells. If a bus is at capacity, riders will have to wait for the next scheduled bus. 

How can I tell where the bus stops are located?

Bus stop signs in the DDOT service area are in the process of being changed. You will still see older signage in some areas as this transition is underway.

Can I smoke, eat or drink on the bus?

No. In accordance with Detroit Municipal Code Sections 58-4-2 (Smoking on Buses Prohibited) and 58-4-5 (Eating or Drinking on Buses Prohibited; Exceptions) it is against the law to smoke, eat, or drink on DDOT buses. Passengers who violate City codes may be subject to "a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days or both".

May I bring my bicycle on the bus?

Bikes are not allowed on the inside of the bus. Currently bike racks are available on most of our fleet.

How do I identify my bus?

DDOT buses are white with distinctive green and yellow stripes and the DDOT logo. The name and number of the bus route is displayed on the head sign located above the windshield of each bus.

What happens if I leave an item behind on the bus?

If a passenger should leave any personal items on the bus and it is found by the driver, it will be kept by the driver until the end of the shift and returned to the Coolidge or Gilbert terminal depending on the route. Please contact our Customer Service Line at (313) 933-1300 for instructions regarding where and how to obtain any lost items. 

What buses operate in my community?

DDOT has 48 bus routes that serve the 138 square miles of Detroit and 23 surrounding communities. Our bus schedules provide route map information, as well as schools, businesses, and commercial districts along the route.

DDOT schedules are color-coded to make your trip easier to plan. Blue schedules designate buses traveling east/west. Purple schedules designate buses traveling north/south. Green schedules designate buses traveling in and out of downtown Detroit.

To determine which routes serve your area, use the DDOT Trip Planner, which can be accessed online or by phone, or by calling our Customer Service Line at (313) 933-1300 and a Customer Service Representative will assist you. 

How often does the bus schedule change and why does it change?

Schedules are changed four times per year in January, April, June and August/September. Service changes are based on transit demands, as determined by DDOT's Service Standards, and are designed to reduce customers' travel time.

What happens if a passenger breaks the bus rules or causes trouble on the bus?

Consequences for inappropriate behavior on the bus may range from the passenger being asked to depart from the bus by the bus driver or the driver requesting assistance from the Transit Police in removing the passenger from the bus. 

How does DDOT handle security issues o buses and at bus shelters?

DDOT works with the Transit Police to keep bus routes and stops safe for riders. Since May 2007, Transit Police have conducted an average of 1,400 "coach boardings" per month and maintain high visibility on buses 24 hours per day, seven days per week.


If you have a concern while riding a DDOT bus, obtain the driver’s badge number, coach number (a four digit number found on the front, sides, and back of the bus exterior, and at the front of the bus interior), the time of day, and the direction in which the bus is traveling (northbound, southbound, eastbound or westbound). Then contact our Customer Service Line at (313) 933-1300 for further assistance. In case of an emergency, call 911

How do I make comments or give feedback on the bus service?

DDOT conducts monthly Customer Information Meetings on the third Thursday of every month from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m, at its Administration Building, located at 1301 E. Warren, Detroit. Beginning July 1, 2009 these meetings will be held throughout the community. Passengers are invited to attend meetings to learn more about DDOT products, services, and events, as well as to express concerns. Comments or commendations can also be made through our Customer Service Line at (313) 933-1300,  by speaking with a Customer Service Representative and online customer feedback form.