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Community Open House Midwest-Tireman, January 31, 2023

midwest tireman open house 2

The City of Detroit held a community open house for the Midwest-Tireman Framework on January 31st, 2023, from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Building on the first open house, the second in the series is shifting towards making tangible connection to the elements of study for the framework such as Neighborhoods and Housing, Retail and Economic Development, Parks and Open Space, Industrial Center Development, and Mobility. The event also had an activity for youths called ‘Build a neighborhood.’ 

The Midwest-Tireman Framework team would like to thank the community for continuing to share their input in the engagement process. 

Once again, we extend our gratitude to Deanna Stewart and Carlton Ballard for hosting at Equity Alliance, community leaders, and our- consultants, Interboro and DCDC, for setting up this event.   


Community Meeting

Your participation shapes the future plan for housing, businesses, industry, parks & open space, and mobility in this historic neighborhood. 


6602 Walton St Detroit, MI 48210