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Investing in small organizations and your programs.


Dominican Literacy
Photo Credit: Dominican Literacy Center




The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was created under the Biden Administration to provide direct relief to Americans, contain COVID-19 and rescue the economy. The Neighborhood Opportunities Funds (NOF) was created 1976 by the Detroit City Council to provide grants for public service programs proposed by nonprofit and neighborhood service organizations. This program provides funds to improve the quality of life of low-income residents in the City of Detroit. 

NOF - ARPA grant will fund beneficiaries to provide direct relief to low-to-moderated income Detroiters who are “impacted” and “disproportionately impacted” by the pandemic. All City of Detroit non-profit organizations including start-up non-profits that meet the funding requirement are encouraged to apply for funding. 

Funding is available to create programs that align with the six priorities, which are: Education, Health, Recreation, Public Safety, Seniors, and Mobility & Accessibility. Each City Council will establish their individual district’s priorities and funding will be allocated based on those priorities. Applicants will be able to request grants from $10,000.00 to $20,000.00.


Eligible organizations include:

  • All nonprofit, tax-exempt community organizations

Ineligible organizations include:

  • Educational Institutions
  • For-profit business/organizations


  • All projects must have a program component that responds to COVID-19 impacts
  • All applicants must apply, along with required documentation to receive funding.
  • The organization must have the capacity to comply with the program guidelines
  • A clearly defined Scope of Work and budget must be submitted and approved.
  • The program goals must be realistic and achievable within the specified time period
  • Clearly defined performance standards/metrics/outputs and outcomes
  • The program must maximize positive impacts in the community it serves
  • The program addresses a community need
  •  Meets all Threshold Requirements (included in information packet)


  • Education
  • Health
  • Recreation 
  • Public Safety
  • Seniors
  • Mobility & Accessibility


2022-2023 NOF-ARPA Information Packet

All applications must go through Oracle. Paper applications are not accepted. The Oracle registration and application link is listed below.

PLEASE NOTE: All NOF ARPA applications must be prepared and submitted online using the City’s “Oracle” system. You may visit the Office of Contracting and Procurement’s webpage to gain information on how to register at  Office of Contracting and Procurement   

For more information on Oracle, you may visit:  Supplier Portal Information and Instructions

Oracle registration link

If you need assistance with Oracle registration or obtain information regarding Oracle Cloud, please email [email protected]
or call 313-224-1500.


The application process consists of the following steps:


Application Process

After the applications are submitted the review and scoring process will begin.  The application information packets contain more details regarding the review and scoring process.  


NOF - ARPA Beneficiary Training  - 9/19/23  - ORACLE INVOICING 

Working together to make sure you are successful

  • Technical assistance will be provided to each requesting organization until the proposal is released. Technical assistance will continue with beneficiaries once funds are awarded.
  • Technical assistance will help organizations discover their specific strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities through 1:1 or small group sessions. 
  • Staff will assist applicants with creating a digital filing system for their attachments. *These filing systems will consist of labeling all documentations.  
  • Staff will also be available to assist applicants with navigating the online sources such as LARA or to locate the necessary attachments. 
  • Staff will assist applicants with creating a budget to prepare for the application.

To Request Technical Assistance - Click Here

 Post-Award Activities

  • Organizations receiving post award technical assistance will obtain help building their operational, programmatic, financial, and organizational capacity. Training will include continuous improvement strategies toward the creation of a sustainable and effective organization.
  • Organizations awarded funding will continue to receive technical assistance to help them to apply for CDBG/NOF, corporate and philanthropic funding opportunities 


Mosaic Youth Theatre
Photo Credit: Mosiac Youth Theatre



What is ARPA - NOF?

  • Funding available to create programs that address a community need and demonstrate a clear purpose to address health pertaining to covid-19, economic, or racial inequities. 

How much can we receive in funding?

  • Applicants can apply and request funding from $10,000 – $20,000.

If I have not obtained my nonprofit status, can I apply for funding? 

  • Yes, you can partner with a nonprofit as your fiduciary.

If I am a business Educational Institutions or a For-profit business/organization, can I partner with a nonprofit to be eligible?

  • No, both entities partnering must be a non-profit organizations, all nonprofit, tax-exempt community organizations.

What is a beneficiary?

  • Beneficiary – Per CFR 200 – Beneficiaries (individual or entity) are not subject to subrecipients monitoring or reporting requirements. 


For more information on the NOF / ARPA Grant contact: Tamra Fountaine Hardy, Director, Neighborhood Services at [email protected] 

Clark Park Lacross
Photo Credit - Clark Park Coalition