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Dining with Confidence Pilot Project

Restaurant Inspection Placards

The  Dining with Confidence coalition in partnership with Council Member Scott Benson’s office is recruiting restaurants who wish to voluntarily participate in a pilot project. The goal of the pilot project is to evaluate how the placard system would work. Feedback from participating restaurants and the public will be solicited. 

Volunteer Restaurants: Restaurants were solicited by the Dining with Confidence coalition and signed up to participate in the pilot project, which will run from October 2023 to March 2024.

Dining with Confidence Pilot Project: When the Health Department conducts a routine inspection of a pilot restaurant. They will issue the restaurant a green placard if the restaurant is in compliance (see below). If the restaurant is not in compliance, they will not receive the placard until they are. 

Placard: For the Pilot, a green placard will be placed in participating restaurants  with the Detroit Health Department's Logo on it, the words “in compliance”, and a QR code, and a link for more information.



Image of a placard that is placed inside dining establisments

Compliance: A restaurant is considered to be in compliance if their routine inspection has no serious violations cited, or all such violations are corrected. (During the routine inspection or after a follow up inspection) If they are in enforcement, they would not be considered in compliance until enforcement is complete.


Where can you see the violations that were cited during inspections: Search Restaurant Inspection 

If you have questions about the Pilot or are a restaurant that would like to sign-up for the pilot: The Dining with Confidence coalition has a web form for you here.