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Detroit Community Health Improvement Process

The 2024 Community Health Assessment is now available. Share your thoughts about living in the City of Detroit, and any concerns you may have as a resident by clicking here

Resident filling out Community Health Assessment

Community Health Assessment

The 2024 Community Health Assessment (CHA), is being conducted, using MAPP 2.0 framework in accordance with the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).

The fundamental purpose of public health is defined by three core functions: assessment, policy development and assurance. Community health assessments (CHAs) provide information for problem and asset identification and policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. CHAs also help measure how well a public health system is fulfilling its assurance function.1,2 

Information will be used to developed six community health goals and these goals will be ranked to determine the top three that would be the focus of the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)


Community Health Improvement Plan

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), is a three- to five-year, systematic effort to address public health issues based on the results of the Community Health Assessment  (CHA) and other primary and secondary data we gather. This plan is used in collaboration with diverse community partners to set priorities, coordinate actions, and target resources. We will be creating a data-driven action plan that addresses priority issues. It looks at where the community is, where it wants to go, and how it will get there.

The Detroit Community Health Improvement Process brings key stakeholders within the local public health system together to work with the community to improve the health and well-being of those who live, work, play, and pray in the City of Detroit. The Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) process (left), which was developed by the National Association for City and County Health Officials (NACCHO), was used as the framework for the Detroit Community Health Improvement Process. This framework was chosen because it is rooted in community engagement and it provides for an interactive process that can be used to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and performance of the local public health system. This process includes both the Community Health Assessment and the Community Health Improvement Plan.

The CHIP will be a community-wide strategic plan developed, supported, and implemented by partner organizations, agencies, and community members. The goal of the CHIP is to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities in Detroit that were identified by the community in the CHA.