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Greektown Neighborhood Framework Vision

The Greektown Neighborhood Framework Vision is a framework plan that was developed by a stakeholder group of merchants and property owners, the Greektown Neighborhood Partnership (GNP), formerly known as the Greektown Preservation Society, and The City of Detroit in an advisory role.  The goal of this group was to develop a strategy to identify opportunities for an area of downtown Detroit bound by Lafayette Street on the south, Randolph Street on the West, Gratiot Avenue on the North, and I-375 on the East. GNP engaged with Greektown Casino, Rock Ventures, and Quicken Loans and others to produce an action plan for market/development growth along with strategies to confront challenges inherent of developing a residential base.

The neighborhood is at the nexus of a downtown with burgeoning growth, a planned highway conversion to an urban boulevard, and planned new development within Lafayette Park, Eastern Market, and the Riverfront. Using those connections is key as Greektown seeks to re-establish itself as the entertainment destination, as well as open up possibilities for future residential and commercial development.

From the framework, “Greektown’s unique assets and opportunity sites positions the neighborhood well for growth, investment, and evolution. With nearly half of the neighborhood’s approximately 50 acres dedicated to surface parking or vacant lots and a well-earned reputation as a fun place to visit, the opportunities for neighborhood rebirth are plentiful.”


Greektown Map