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Fire Investigation

The Fire Investigation Division (FID) is mandated by the state law and municipal ordinance to determine the origin and cause of fires that occur within its jurisdiction. The FID staff consists of police certified firefighters, detectives, and federal law enforcement agencies that utilize the most up-to-date techniques in fire investigation to reduce the frequency of fire incidents, and actively pursuing individuals responsible for setting fires within the city of Detroit.

Youth Fire Setter Prevention Program

It is the mission of the Detroit Fire Department to reduce the number of fires set by youth. The Youth Fire Setter Prevention Program is designed to assist families and youth fire setters through education, mentoring, and enforcement.

For more information pertaining the Youth Fire Setter Prevention Program, please contact:

If you suspect Arson:

If you have information regarding an arson fire in your neighborhood or elsewhere please call the Arson hotline. You may also report an Arson tip online by using this link: Report Arson. Information leading to an arrest, and/or prosecution of arsonists, may be eligible through the Arson Prevention Reward Program of a reward up to $5000. Terms and Conditions apply.