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HIV/STI Program

The Detroit Health Department HIV/STI Program provides community outreach, education, and referral linkages to testing and care services. 



Girls between the ages 13-24, join the We're Just Girls program! Learn More Here!


To order a package of 12 condoms, click on the button below.





Services we provide: 

HIV Testing                                                                            

STI Screening 

PrEP Navigation 

Linkage to Care/Case Management 

Mental Health Services  

Condom Distribution 

Harm Reduction Supplies 

SUD Treatment 

Hep C Testing 

Primary Care Services 

Insurance Navigation 

COVID Vaccinations 

Blood Pressure Screening 

Behavioral health Resources 

Hygiene/Menstrual Kits 


Rx Referral 

PARENTS: Looking for ways to talk with your child about healthy relationships and sex?

Talking to teens 
Parent sex-ed center
Talking to kids about sex and sexuality




There are almost 15,000 new cases of STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, & syphilis) and over 200 new HIV cases reported to the health department from people that live in the City of Detroit each year.  The risk is real.

  • Youth (people 13-25 years old),
  • African Americans, and
  • Gay and bisexual men, and
  • Transgender women

are at increased risk for exposure to an STI or HIV.


For HIV/STI testing at the iDecide clinic, call 313-876-4319.





Would you like to talk with someone? Consider talking with your parent or another trusted adult. They were young once too, and may be your best source for good advice. See more ideas.


To ask questions confidentially, call the Michigan HIV/STI Hotline




If you are living with HIV, getting medical care and taking your medication every day can help you stay healthy and protect others.

Link-UP Detroit – if you are out of care, we can connect you to medical and non-medical services. Learn moreor call/text: 313-410-5617


What are Sexually transmitted infections? STIs are infections that are passed from person to person during sexual contact (vaginal, anal and oral). Examples include: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, human papilloma virus, herpes, and HIV. HIV can also be passed by sharing injection drug equipment (needles, syringes, works), and from mother to baby during pregnancy. 
Untreated STIs can cause cancer, blindness, infertility (you cannot become pregnant), birth defects if you are pregnant, and even death.


KNOW YOUR STATUS  - Testing options

STIs and HIV are treatable, so don’t wait. If you think you may have been exposed, get tested - call the Detroit STI/HIV clinic: 313-577-9100 for an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome, and no one will be turned away if they are unable to pay. The clinic provides confidential (your information cannot be shared with anyone else) services to people 13 years and older. Or, to find the clinic closest to you, click here.

PROTECT YOURSELF - Be in control of your future

STIs & HIV are preventablePeople can get STI/HIV by having sex (oral, anal, or vaginal) with an infected person. People often have no symptoms and so have no idea they are even infected. Some STDs, like genital herpes and HPV (the virus that causes warts, cervical and other cancers) can be passed skin to skin. 

Here are some choices you can make to protect yourself:

  • You can choose not to have sex (abstain) from, oral, vaginal or anal sex. This is the only sure way to not get an STI or HIV from someone that is infected, and to not get (someone) pregnant.
  • If you are having sex, or thinking about it, the choices below can protect you.
  • Talk with your partner about safer sex practices beforehand. For some ideas on how to start talking about it. See more here.  Your partner should always respect your right to say no to anything that does not feel right to you.
  • Having less sexual partners reduces your risk for an STI or HIV. If you have a new sex partner, or more than one sex partner, your risk for STI/HIV is higher. If you meet someone new, think about getting tested together first.
  • Being monogamous (having sex with one person that only has sex with you) with a partner that is not infected, can also reduce your risk for exposure.
  • Condoms, used correctly, every time you have vaginal, anal or oral sex will protect you from most STIs and HIV. To learn how to use a male condom correctly click here.
  • Herpes, warts, and the viruses that cause them can be on the skin not covered by a condom, and so can still be passed skin to skin. So even if you don’t “go all the way” (having vaginal, anal or oral sex), there is still some risk with skin to skin contact.
  • Birth control shots, pills, implants, IUDs and other methods that prevent pregnancy only prevent pregnancy. They do not prevent STIs or HIV.
  • PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis (before exposure prevention) is a pill that can reduce your risk of getting HIV by 90%, if taken every day.
  • PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis (after exposure prevention) can be taken if you think you may have been exposed to HIV within the last 3 days. PEP can prevent HIV, but must be started within 72 hours / 3 days of the exposure. Talk with a healthcare provider right away, call 313-577-9100.  See CDC's PEP factsheet.
  • Drugs and alcohol can cause you to take risks you would not have made without them, like not using a condom or having sex with someone you would not normally have chosen. Avoid using alcohol or drugs, especially in places or at events that may not be safe, or when you are with people that may not have your best interests in mind.
    • If you inject drugs, there are services available for all of the following at Community Health Awareness Group (CHAG) call: 313-963-3434 for more information.
      • Needle exchange,
      • Substance abuse counseling and treatment,  
      • HIV/STI & Hepatitis C testing,
      • as well as other related services.

Other viruses can be passed through sex – like Zika virus. Use condoms or abstain from sex (oral, vaginal or anal) when you or your partner travel to a tropical area (Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Central or South America and other tropical countries in Africa and the South Pacific), and when you or your partner return from a tropical country -- especially if you are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant. **Zika can cause serious birth defectsLearn more and find out how long you should continue to use condoms or abstain.