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For more info, please contact: Ben Jenkins
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Latisha Johnson serves as the Detroit City Council Member for District 4. A native of Detroit, Council Member Johnson has been living on the Eastside since childhood. As the founder of MECCA Development Corporation, Council Member Johnson has been active in the community for over 14 years.
For more info, please contact: Ben Jenkins
Join District 4 Community Advisory Council Meeting
Join District 4 Community Advisory Council Meeting
Latisha Johnson has been serving the city of Detroit for more than 20 years. In her first career position, she marketed the city to visitors and attracted millions of dollars into the local economy during one of the most distressed times in Detroit's history.
In 2007, Latisha felt called to work more directly with neighbors. Elected to the Executive Board of the East English Village (EEV)Neighborhood Association, she spent seven years helping to strengthen and rebuild the far eastside neighborhood.
In 2014, she founded the non-profit MECCA Development Corporation. With the development in Detroit on the rise, it was critical that every resident's voice be heard. For the past seven years, she has partnered with residents to address concerns of well-being, workforce development, youth engagement, and neighborhood revitalization. Latisha's leadership has led to the implementation of the Community Closet free store, skill-building programs, and the rehab of affordable houses.
Latisha has also served as the Treasurer for the 5th Precinct Police/Community Relations Council, Vice-Chair for the City of Detroit’s Board of Zoning Appeals, Wayne Metro Community Action Agency Regional Advisory Council member, and Wayne State University’s AmeriCorps Urban Safety Program.
Equitable Development : I will continue to work for quality, affordable housing within our neighborhoods to ensure longtime Detroit residents can afford to purchase a home. I envision community centers throughout the city that provide Skill Building Programs to help prepare residents for jobs, particularly, within our community. As well as supporting small business development.
Environmental Justice : Everyone deserves clean, safe drinking water and a safe place to live. I support efforts to update our aging water infrastructure system, remove lead service lines, upgrade seawalls, and implement a tiered water affordability plan.
Transparency & Accountability : Drawing on strong relationships built over the past 14 years, I plan to expand ways to keep residents informed and working with the Council. I will help to build a robust Community Advisory Council for the District to facilitate community discussion and hold me accountable to my promises.
A proud, lifelong Detroiter with a deep appreciation and understanding of the community and the needs of its residents, Latisha learned the values of hard work, sacrifice and responsibility growing up as the fifth of eight children.
She lives in EEV, is a Third New Hope Church member, wife and mother of an 18-year old.
Latisha will move our communities forward with hard-work, integrity, inclusivity and empathy.
Yes, Yes i did.
Community Advisory Council