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Vision and Hearing Screening

The Vision and Hearing Program provides FREE vision and hearing screenings to all children in Detroit, ages 3-18 years old.

Our trained staff conducts comprehensive screenings and work to make sure that Detroit’s children are on track for healthy development.

The ability to see and hear – the ability to learn – is the key to a child's success. Early detection and treatment of vision and hearing problems can help children develop well and succeed in school.


Vision Screening

Many children start school with problems seeing. Vision screening is very important and helps identify problems early. Many vision problems, like amblyopia or lazy eye, can be prevented if detected and treated during pre-school years.


Free screenings are provided annually at:

  • Detroit Head Start Centers
  • Large daycare centers
  • Public, private, and charter schools

Once a child is in school, screenings continue on a regular basis. Through our Vision Screening Program, children receive initial screening, follow-up testing and referrals. State-approved testing and screening procedures include:

  • Clearness of vision
  • Eye muscle balance
  • Nearsightedness
  • Farsightedness

These tests help us identify children who may have vision problems and need follow-up care. When we find a problem, we send a referral letter home and follow-up to help make sure your child gets the care she or he needs. 

Pre-school children are screened at least once between the ages of 3 and 5 years. School-age children are screened in grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9. Each year in Michigan, 10 -15% of children who get screened need eye care.


Other Resources


Services listed are subject to change. They are not free.



Hearing Screening


Early hearing screening is important in identifying problems and preventing hearing-related delays in speech, cognitive and social skills development.

Free screenings are provided annually in: 

  • Detroit Head Start Centers
  • “Large daycare centers”
  • Public, private, and charter schools

Our program screens children at least once between the ages of 3 and 5 years and every other year between the ages of 5 and 10 years.

The goals are to help families and school personnel:

  • Learn about hearing loss in children as early as possible
  • Get medical care fast for children who may have trouble hearing
  • Prevent hearing loss and ear disease
  • Understand the needs of children who are hearing impaired
  • Meet their educational medical and social needs

There are three steps in the hearing screening process:

  1. Initial Screening
  2. Intermediate Sweep or Audiogram
  3. Referral (5% of all children screened need a medical referral)

Upon discovery of a hearing problem, a referral letter is sent to the child’s home. The referral letter may ask that the child be seen by a pediatrician, an audiologist, or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist. A member from the Detroit Health Department’s Hearing Screening office follows up with parents to ensure that children get the appropriate medical assistance. 


Hours of Operation

To make an appointment for a vision or hearing screening please call (313) 876-0134 
Vision and hearing screenings are by appointment only.