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Public Health Emergency Preparedness

The Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (OPHEP) manages preparedness and response activities in the event of a public health emergency to protect the health and wellness of people who live, work and play in the city of Detroit. OPHEP provides support for other emergencies such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and technological events. We collaborate with local, regional, state and federal stakeholders to ensure that Detroit residents receive necessary resources in an emergency. Other responsibilities include:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Management

  • Medical Reserve Corps  (MRC) Recruiting and Training

  • Points of Dispensing (Medical and Non-Medical)

  • Outreach


Sign-Up for Detroit Alerts 365

Sign Up today to be in the know of emergent threats to your area!

Detroit Alerts 365


Warming & Cooling Centers 

The city of Detroit have designated warming/cooling centers that may be utilized during extreme cold and heat conditions. The location, hours, and contact information is listed below:


Join the MRC 

Join the MRC today and help us build a more prepared, resilient Detroit! 

Visit the Michigan Volunteer Registry (MVR) at Michigan Volunteer Registry to sign up and be affiliated with the City of Detroit. By joining the City of Detroit MRC, you’ll gain access to our exclusive quarterly newsletter! Stay up-to-date on upcoming trainings, events, and opportunities designed for all our dedicated volunteers. Don’t miss out on the chance to enhance your skills and stay connected with the MRC community! 


Emergency Planning and Preparedness

We encourage you and your family to build an emergency supply kit and make a household emergency plan before disaster strikes, we have provided a checklist to get you started.

Make an Emergency Preparedness Plan

Build An Emergency Preparedness Kit


Emergencies to Prepare For

Air Quality |  Power Outages   |  Tornadoes  |  Floods  |  Fire and Safety Tips  |  Flooding and Landslides  |  Pandemics  |  Chemical and Hazardous Materials Incidents  |   Radiation Emergencies   |  Explosions