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Maternal Child Health

The Detroit Health Department's Division of Maternal Child Health is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women, children and families living in the city of Detroit. Our main goal is to establish and implement equitable, preventive and intervention strategies that address negative or adverse health disparities and outcomes for Detroit residents.


Infant Safe Sleep:
All Detroiters must know their “ABCs”: the “ABCs” of protecting our babies while they sleep! Babies should be placed ALONE with nothing in their crib, on their BACKS, in a safety approved CRIB, and in a SMOKE-FREE environment. Learn more about the “ABCs” of infant sleep by attending a Safe Sleep Class. Call (313) 410-5264 to register.


961-BABY Resource Line:
961-Baby is a resource line that links Detroit residents to services and resources within the Detroit Health Department and the community to keep families healthy and well. Some of these services and resource include but are not limited to the list below:

  • Home visiting
  • Help finding a medical home
  • Health fairs
  • Programs for fathers
  • Women's health education
  • Post-partum support
  • Grief and bereavement referrals (for families who have lost a baby)
  • And More

Call (313) 961-BABY (2229) for resources for you and your family.


SisterFriends Detroit: SisterFriends Detroit (SFD) is a volunteer effort to support healthier women and their babies until the baby's first birthday. SisterFriends work to improve birth outcomes and infant mortality rates in Detroit by connecting caring and compassionate volunteer mentors to women who are pregnant or recently had a baby to gain access to services and resources while creating a circle of caring around Detroit Families. Join us! Call 313-876-0412, or 313-961-BABY.


Fatherhood Program: Provides a platform to educate, engage, support, and promote the overall health of fathers and the care of their children in our communities. Fatherhood strives to create opportunities where men can connect with each other through interactive activities and enrichment sessions. For more information call 313-876-0413 or 313-961-BABY.


Resources and Services:

Woman holding a baby wile a call to action invites users to attend one of the Maternal Child Health Program's events