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Environmental Health and Safety

We are here to serve your Environmental Health needs



If you want to file a complaint or ask a question with the Detroit Health Department, please click the above link. 

Radon Test Kits are Free Until the End of February. Stay healthy, Detroit!

Radon has no odor or taste, and you should test your basement every 2-5 years. Radon test kits are available at the Detroit Health Department, for FREE until the end of February. 100 Mack Avenue, 3rd Floor, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. If you have any questions, call (313) 876-4000.

Program Focus

The Detroit Health Department Environmental Health Division licenses and inspects a wide range of businesses and establishments under state laws and local ordinances. The goal of these inspections is to reduce the risk of illness associated with these facilities.

If you are looking for information on licensing and inspections of restaurants or other food service establishments, please go to


PLEASE NOTE: Per Detroit Health Department policy, Food Safety and Environmental Health inspectors should not be offered, nor should they request any form of goods (including water, food, money, etc.) or services in the course of performing their inspection duties at your establishment. It is illegal to offer an inspector any item of value in exchange for favorable inspection report/outcome, and any offer of goods or services will be reported to senior department leadership.



Safety Tips against Ticks and Mosquitos

  • Avoid walking in tall grasses unless you are wearing clothing that covers you completely, including your arms and legs
  • Use insect repellant containing 20 percent or more DEET, picaridin, or IR3535
  • Avoid sundown, when mosquitoes are more active
  • Take a shower as soon as you can after coming indoors
  • Check for ticks and remove them promptly
  • Prevent standing water in your yard/neighborhood such as toys, containers, and regularly changing pet water bowls
  • If you have been bitten by a tick or mosquito, examine the insect closely and watch for signs of infection
  • If you develop a fever or your symptoms get worse, seek medical attention