This is the TRAINING website.

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Community Members Resources

Glossary of Terms
  • PLWH: Person Living with HIV 
  • PrEP: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis  
  • PEP: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis  
  • nPEP: Non-Occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis  
  • U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable  
  • LGBTQ+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer 
  • Tx: Treatment 
  • ART: Antiretroviral Therapy 
PrEP and PEP Directories Order Condoms and Home HIV Tests Here
  • You can order condoms from the Detroit Health Department by clicking here.  
  • The Detroit Health Department is excited to offer home HIV test kits free to residents of Detroit, Highland Park, and Hamtramck. You can order at-home HIV tests by clicking here.  
  • For more information, click here