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Detroit Police Department Records and Reports


Note of Change:

The services normally offered at 4700 W. Fort Street, Detroit MI 48209  (police reports, gun permits, police clearances, and fingerprinting) have been moved to the 3rd precinct (2875 W. Grand Blvd, Detroit MI 48202). Our hours of operation and contact numbers are the same.

3rd Precinct

2875 W. Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI 48202
Commander Matthew Fulgenzi
Captain Conway Petty
Gun registration info: (313) 596-1984
Police reports: (313) 596-1908
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

The following reports can be obtained in person at the DPD Third Precinct: 

Crash Report

  1. You must have the exact date of the accident
  2. The cross streets where the accident happened
  3. Valid ID
  4. Cost of the Accident Report is $10.00 cash or money order (exact amount, no change provided)

Crime Reports

  1. You need the 10 digit Report number or official complaint number
  2. If you do not have the number you must have a valid ID
  3. If you are picking a report up for someone else, you must have written consent along with a photocopy of the person’s I.D. that is giving the third party consent. All third party requesters will need valid I.D. for photocopying purposes.
  4. The cost of the report is $10.00 cash or money order (exact amount, no change provided)

Purchase Permit (no cost, valid for 10 days)

  1. Must have valid Drivers. License or Michigan ID Card
  2. Must reside in Detroit
  3. Must not have any fines or debts to the City, County, State, or Federal Governments
  4. Can not have any parking tickets
  5. Can not have any cases in court (civil, misdemeanor or felony cases)

Limits of permit to purchase and registration

Sec. 38-10-14. Limits of permit to purchase and registration.

(a) No permit to purchase a handgun, registration certificate for any handgun shall be issued to:

  1. Any person under eighteen (18) years of age;
  2. Any person addicted to any controlled substance as defined in MCLA 333.7104
  3. Any person convicted of a felony within the eight-year period immediately preceding the application, whether in this state or elsewhere;
  4. Any person currently adjudged by a court of this state or another state to be mentally incompetent;
  5. Any person who has been released from the Michigan Youth Commission detention within the five-year period immediately preceding the application for a permit to purchase a handgun. Where the person's detention was a result of a petition of delinquency for a violation of United States, State of Michigan or City of Detroit law or laws which would have constituted a felony if the offender had been an adult;
  6. Any person who possesses a firearm or handgun that is in violation of federal law, or the law of this state or the ordinances of the City of Detroit.
  7. Any person who is a handgun owner and does not possess a valid safety training certificate as prescribed in section 38-10-17.1.

(b) Any purported registration by any person ineligible to register a handgun under this section is null and void.

  1. A non-refundable fee as determined by the chief of police shall accompany each registration application filed under this chapter.
  2. The registration fee shall not be applicable to Detroit Police Department approved and Detroit Police Department issued handguns and Detroit Police Department approved privately owned handguns of police and peace officers domiciled in the City of Detroit.
  3. The registration fee shall not be applicable to handguns of retired police officers or peace officers having valid active concealed weapons permits.

(Ord. No. 12-89, § 1, 7-19-89)