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Detroit Police Department Careers


Professionalism - Commitment - Integrity



The Detroit Police Department (DPD) welcomes individuals who are looking to enter an exciting career in law enforcement. We are the largest sworn law enforcement agency in Michigan, having more than 2,500 law enforcement officers, who cover nearly 140 square miles with a population in excess of 670,000 residents. When you join DPD, you join a family and can count on having the opportunity to work at one of the hundreds of units, while having the opportunity to quickly advance to the ranks of Corporal, Detective and more. Come join the team!


Are you interested in speaking with a recruiter and getting more information to apply?

What questions do you have? You can text, call or e-mail us.

Click below to see your recruiter and get contact information.


DPD has over 100 units, assignments and teams to join. We offer many opportunities for movement due to being a larger department. Are you interested in working with K-9 or Special Operations? Maybe you enjoy working in a community policing role or as a Crime Analyst? Click below to see some of the different units we have within our agency.

The Detroit Police Department (DPD) would like to thank all military veterans for proudly serving in the United States Armed Forces. We want to offer you the opportunity to continue the professionalism, pride and dedication of service you started in the military by serving the citizens of Detroit as a Detroit Police Officer.

DPD is committed to supporting military veterans who are looking to transition into a career in law enforcement. Military veterans have demonstrated a strong work ethic, and the ability to work in teams and in challenging situations. These skills make many veterans ideal candidates for police work.

Join over 325 Detroit Police Officers that chose to continue to serve.


Join DPD



The Detroit Police Department (DPD) takes pride in its diverse workforce. A large part in keeping our workforce diverse includes hiring female Police Officers. DPD currently has representation of more than 25% of sworn female Police Officers (sworn members) within our agency. Those members hold the rank of Police Officer, Detective, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Commander and Deputy Chief. Those members range from one year to more than 50 years of service, with many of those members working in one of our specialized units. Our sworn female members receive the same training as their male counterparts, which provides the opportunity for advancement and to move to different units throughout the department without barriers. You too can join the ranks of the many women who have successfully entered a rewarding career as a Detroit Police Officer.

Field Recruiters



Female police officer



Why Choose DPD

  • Over 100 units
  • Medical, Dental, and Optical Coverage
  • 401k Deferred Plans
  • 160 Hours Paid Time Off
  • Bonus Vacation Days
  • $1100 Annual Uniform Allowance
  • Ability to work Secondary Employment starting at $28/hr. up to 32hrs./week (additional pay)
  • Standby Pay for certain assignments (paid for up to 16 hrs./week)
  • Maximum pay after Five (5) years is over $30/Hour
  • Overtime available (at the Department's needs)
  • Uniform and equipment provided
  • Up to $2000 in Tuition Reimbursement acceptable driving record
  • Education incentive 2% additional pay for 60 credit hours or more
  • Special appointment to Neighborhood Police Office (NPO) or Training Corporal by the Chief
  • Promotion to Detective and Sergeant (exam) with a minimum of two years (bachelor's degree)
  • Retirement Plan (20 years minimum over vested at 10 years)
  • No maximum age (minimum 18 years old to be hired)

The list below ONLY gives base hourly rates at various ranks. These numbers do not reflect additional monies earned through longevity, education pay, shift differential or other specialty pays.

POLICE OFFICER $22.00-$33.00 $30.00 - $45.00 $40.00 - $60.00
CORPORAL $30.00 - $32.00 $45.00 - $48.00 $61.00 - $64.00
DETECTIVE $30.00 - $32.00 $45.00 - $49.00 $61.00 - $66.00
SERGEANT $36.00 - $37.00 $54.00 - $56.00 $72.00 - $72.75
LIEUTENANT $40.00 - $42.00 $61.00 - $63.00 $81.00 - $83.00

*Education incentive 2% additional pay for 60 credit hours or more for Police Officer.

*Please note ranks after Lieutenant are appointed by the Chief of Police. 


Detroit Police Academy


During the academy, Student Police Officers (SPOs), also known as Police Officer Trainees, will receive medical benefits day one (1) as a City of Detroit employee. SPOs are paid just under $21.00/hour as a full-time employee, work a minimum of 40 hours a week learning defensive tactics, various laws, advance driving, various exercise techniques, firearms training and more. The State of Michigan mandates 594 training hours to acquire your MCOLES (Michigan Commission on Leave Enforcement Standards) certification/license. During your 26 weeks (6 months) at the Detroit Police Academy, you will learn multiple aspects of policing. We continue to train numerous members who have achieved the rank of Police Chief not only in Detroit, but in various agencies in and outside of Michigan. Keep in mind, we pay for your training, (saving you on average $5,000-$15,000), in addition, your instructors are active duty Detroit Police Officers, who have experienced scenarios first hand, now passing the knowledge and experience to you. Check out a few videos below!



The list below the seven main sections that are taught in the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) curriculum.

  • Administrative time
  • Investigation
  • Patrol procedures
  • Detention & prosecution
  • Police skills
  • Traffic
  • Special operations




  • Meet minimum requirements, including a criminal history check
  • Pass MCOLES Pre-Employment Reading and Writing test**
  • Pass MCOLES Physical Fitness Test**
  • Attend Application Orientation
  • Pass Background Investigation
  • Pass Oral Board Interview
  • Pass Psychological (written and oral) and Medical Examinations

The MCOLES Reading & Writing Test and the MCOLES Physical Agility Test are currently being offered at no charge to Detroit Police Dept. candidates (normal fees of $68 and $45 are waived.) Contact Recruiting at 313-596-2607 for more.




Must be at least 18 years of age – Possess a valid Driver’s License 
High School Diploma or GED from an accredited institution 
U.S. Citizenship – No Felony Convictions

DIVERSITY STATEMENT: The City of Detroit Police Department is committed to maintaining a police force that reflects the diversity of the community. The City of Detroit is constantly striving to provide the highest level of public service by men and women from all backgrounds and cultures to maintain a police department that is responsive to the needs of the total community.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: The City of Detroit is an Equal Opportunity Employer. No applicant for employment shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability or other criteria prohibited by city, state or federal law.

Police Recruits

Required Documents

The following documents are required in order for you to be considered for a position as a Police Officer with the Detroit Police Department.

These documents are required in order for the investigator to conduct your pre-employment investigation. You are advised to start gathering these documents immediately in order to expedite the investigation process.

Gather these documents now, and you will be advised when they need to be produced. Do not mail these documents.

MCOLES Written and Agility Test scores must be submitted within 45 days of you indicating interest in applying for a position with the Detroit Police Department.


Please, bring the original and one copy of ALL required documents.

  • Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card
  • Photo of Yourself (4x6)-(in business attire, waist-up)
  • Driver’s License
  • Driving Record (out of state applicants)
  • Voter’s Registration Card
  • Copies of Any Pending Lawsuits
  • Friend of Court Records (if applicable)
  • Certificate of Naturalization (if applicable)
  • Marriage License and/or Divorce Decree
  • Military Documents-DD214 Long Form
  • MCOLES Test Scores-Written & Agility
  • High School Diploma & Transcript or GED Certificate & Exam Score
  • Copy of College Degree (if applicable) & official transcripts
  • Official Credit Report (see below information regarding obtaining your credit report)
  • If you are self-employed: Income Tax Records for the past 2 years



for Detroit Police Candidates


After you apply, you can register for the free MCOLES reading & writing test and free MCOLES agility test


MCOLES Agility Test Minimum Performance Standards


Age Group Vertical Jump Sit Ups Push Ups 1/2 Mile Shuttle Run
18-29 17.5 32 30 4:29.6
30-39 16.0 30 30 4:38.2
40+ 15.0 30 28 4:54.7


Age Group Vertical Jump Sit Ups Push Ups 1/2 Mile Shuttle Run
18-29 11.0 28 7 5:35.4
30-39 9.0 19 7 5:59.1
40+ 8.0 18 7 6:13.3


Already passed your MCOLES Reading & Writing Test? 

Submit them with your name and MCOLES Written Test in the subject line via e-mail to [email protected]

Already passed your MCOLES Physical Agility Test (PAT)?

MCOLES physical agility scores are valid for 6 months and not transferrable to any other agency.

Are you scheduled for a Written & PAT with the Detroit Police Department and you're thinking about rescheduling?*

Once DPD pays $68 for your test, it cannot be rescheduled. Show up, even if you are not as prepared as you would like to be for the PAT. 

*MCOLES Reading Writing Test $68 fee & MCOLES Agility Test $45 fee is paid by Detroit Police. 

DIVERSITY STATEMENT: The City of Detroit Police Department is committed to maintaining a police force that reflects the diversity of the community. The City of Detroit is constantly striving to provide the highest level of public service by men and women from all backgrounds and cultures to maintain a police department that is responsive to the needs of the total community.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: The City of Detroit is an Equal Opportunity Employer. No applicant for employment shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, disability or other criteria prohibited by city, state or federal law.




Air Support

Air Support is responsible for the following : conducting aerial patrols and responding to calls for service; aerial observation; border surveillance; relays in incident command; inland search and rescue; security;​ investigative and administrative flights; providing information on suspects fleeing activities in both vehicular and foot pursuits; assisting ground units in search activities; and assisting with “Officer in Trouble” calls by providing directions.

Bomb Squad

The Bomb Squad is responsible for the investigation and render-safe of suspected explosive or hazardous devices, military ordnance, suspicious or unattended items, and pyrotechnics.  They are also responsible for conducting post-blast investigations, in partnership with federal agencies when appropriate.  The Bomb Squad also conducts protective sweeps for explosive devices in conjunction with special events or credible threats, and is responsible for training Detroit Police Department (DPD) personnel, first responders, and members of the community in explosives awareness and response.  ONLY certified hazardous device technicians are authorized to inspect, handle, transport or attempt to dismantle a suspected explosive or hazardous device.

Chief's Neighborhood Liaison 

This unit is responsible for reducing criminal activity by developing and implementing proactive community oriented policing with crime awareness and prevention programs. The Chief’s Neighborhood Liaison create open lines of communication between the community and the Police Department.

Crime Intelligence 

Crime Intelligence works on developing an up to date, automated information system that can be applied to the analysis of crime patterns and trends with the city of Detroit.  This computer system includes police reports, persons arrested, and parolee information, and the forecasting of probable crime patterns based upon analysis of reported incidents.

Detroit Detention Center 

The Detroit Detention Center (DDC) is a single processing and holding facility for arrests made by the Detroit Police Department, as well as arrests made by outside law enforcement agencies within the city of Detroit.


Gaming reports directly to the Commanding Officer of Downtown Services and maintains open communications regarding any and all pertinent information as it relates to the gaming industry or section. Gaming is dedicated to the safety and security of all persons visiting or working in the casinos located within the City of Detroit.

Harbormaster Unit

The Harbormaster Unit conducts patrol activities within the jurisdictional limits of the city of Detroit, including the Detroit and Rouge Rivers, and the canal systems in Detroit.  They conduct enforcement activities, render necessary aide to boaters, swimmers, and other agencies requesting assistance.  They are responsible for rescue and recovery operations; searching for marine accident victims, drowning victims, and much more. 


Homicide is responsible for all homicides originating in the city of Detroit. The primary responsibility for the initial investigation of any critical assault or injury, other than traffic. Once the complainant appears to be out of danger of death, these cases in most instances, shall revert to the precinct for prosecution.


A canine team is a Department member/handler and their assigned canine. DPD canines are trained for tracking lost persons, fleeing suspects, locating persons concealed in buildings, detection of narcotics, and explosives or arson accelerants.

Major Violators

Major Violators is responsible for coordinating and directing the department’s efforts to enforce the Controlled Substance Act by investigating, apprehending, and prosecuting persons for violations of the Act.  This command also assists in the analysis, proper storage, security, and destruction of confiscated controlled substances as well as maintaining a liaison with other local, state, and federal agencies.


Members assigned to the Mounted Unit have received advanced equestrian training, and patrol in a variety of different conditions and circumstances year round.  Personnel assigned to Mounted are required to regularly participate in crowd control and mobile field force training while on horseback.  Mounted tactics have been developed to work in concert with officers on foot, enabling the Detroit Police Department to control large groups in a firm yet professional manner.


There are twelve (12) police precincts in the city of Detroit.  A precinct is responsible for providing the general police services within a geographical area of the city of Detroit and is responsible for the following, but not limited to: preventing crime; customer service; apprehending offenders; recovering stolen property; and

enforcing laws and ordinances. The precincts are the backbone of any police department.

Professional Education and Training

Professional Education and Training serves as the Department’s liaison to the Michigan Council on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES).  

The Training Center serves as the Department's principal training entity. 

Special Operations

Special Operations Units operate out of each Precinct and are responsible for primarily responding to priority-1 calls for service, which include but are not limited to gunshots in-progress, shooting scenes, robberies-in-progress, home invasions, enforcement operations and executing search warrants.

Special Response Team

The Special Response Team’s primary mission is to respond to incidents, such as barricaded persons or hostage situations, where disciplined team work, specialized equipment, and tactical skills are required to deal with and resolve law enforcement incidents that are high risk in nature.

Under Water Recovery Team

The primary mission of the Underwater Recovery Team is to locate and recover bodies, and/or property, from the Detroit River and other waterways within the boundaries of the city of Detroit.  The team may assist outside agencies with dive related search and recovery missions with the approval of proper authority.  Secondary Functions include:  marine salvage and repair, environmental surveys, historic exploration and artifact recovery, chart work, special event water related security/safety and training, as requested and with the approval of proper authority.


DPD Recruitment FAQs

I want to connect with a DPD Field Recruiter with no pressure to apply, can this happen?

Yes, you can call, email, or text. 

How long is the Detroit Police Academy?

Approximately 26 weeks (6 months), which is paid. Being in the Detroit Police Academy means you are hired as a City of Detroit employee, starting pay under $21/Hour, 40 hours a week, Monday-Friday, generally 6:45am-3:00pm. You will receive a raise after graduation. 

Do I have to live at the Detroit Police Academy during training?

No, we do not offer living quarters at the academy. You will continue to live at your residence or relocate closer to the academy at

your convenience and expense. Remember, you are receiving a bi-weekly paycheck from the Detroit Police Department, currently about $3,200/gross per month.

Does the Detroit Police Department have a residency requirement?

No, we do not have a residency requirement, however, you do have to be a resident of the State of Michigan.

Do I have to have a Driver's License before applying to be a Detroit Police Officer Trainee?

Yes, we do require that you have a valid Driver's License at the time you apply. This means that it cannot be suspended, revoked, or restricted. 

I have 60 college credits, do I earn extra money?

Yes, you need a minimum of 60 credits to receive an additional 2% increase on your base pay.

Does the department pay to further education?

Yes, you can receive up to $2k/yr tuition reimbursement. 

Can I work investigations immediately after graduating the Police Academy?

The Chief of Police (COP) or his/her designee decides where you will be placed after being sworn in by the COP. It is most common that you will work patrol, but officers have be assigned to specialized units or transferred to different units within months.

How long is the process after I submit my application to begin the Detroit Police Academy?

It could takes on average 35-45 days to be hired (1-2 months). This generally depends on your background investigation and how quickly you return the requested documents. It also depends on when the next academy class is scheduled to begin.

What is the age cut off?​

The minimum age to apply is 18 years old with no age restriction.​

What is the tattoo policy?

Tattoos are allowed and subject for review. The display of any unprofessional or offensive tattoo or brand, regardless of its location while members are on duty is prohibited. The following list includes, but is not limited to, the types of items prohibited by the Detroit Police Department policy:​

a. Depictions of nudity or violence;

b. Sexually explicit or vulgar art, words, phrases, or profane language;

c. Symbols likely to incite a strong negative reaction in any group (i.e. swastikas, pentagrams, etc.) ; or

d. Initials or acronyms that represent criminal or historically oppressive organizations (i.e. KKK, SS, street gang names, numbers, and/ or symbols).

I am still unsure about being a Detroit Police Officer. Can I do a Ride-Along?​

We can schedule you to do a four (4) hour Ride-Along (subject to availability). You must sign a waiver, however, it's a great experience riding with the Detroit Police Patrol Officers, during their tour of duty.  Please submit your request using our online form.

I currently work as a Police Officer for another law enforcement agency in Michigan, do I have to go through the Detroit Police Academy?​

No, you will not have to take the written or physical exams, however, you will have to be interviewed, undergo a background investigation, psychological exam, psychological interview, drug screening and an additional requirements. You will have to attend the Training Center for approximately two (2) weeks, learn policies, procedures, ordinances and additional information. You will be required to be in business attire, regularly Police Officer grooming standards (not academy standards). As of right now, you will be hired under the entry level pay scale.

I am currently an active duty member of the United States military and I want to be a Detroit Police Officer, what should I do?

You may apply, however, It is recommended that you apply once you are either in a Retired, Discharged (subject to review), and/or in Military Reserve capacity (not full-time). Additionally, it is best to apply as a resident of Michigan or if you will be moving to Michigan within the next thirty (30) days prior after submitting your application, due to in-person testing. You will have to complete the entire twenty-six (26) week Detroit Police Academy while attending as a Student Police Officer (Police Officer Trainee).

Recreational Marijuana use is legal for anyone twenty-one (21) years of age and older in Michigan. Can I still use Marijuana until the Police Academy starts?​

Although Marijuana use is legal in Michigan for individuals 21 years old age and older, MCOLES will disqualify you for a pre-determined amount of time if you fail the drug screening test. It is best that you stop ahead of time, prior to applying, to make sure you can pass the drug screening test. It is against DPD's policy to consume Marijuana.

Is the Covid-19 vaccine required to be a Detroit Police Officer? ​

As of November 1, 2021, there is no mandated Covid-19 vaccination required. However, the Department does require a Covid-19 test, that is periodically administered by authorized officials through Health Department.