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Volunteer Information
The City of Detroit offers a variety of ways to get involved. Take a look at the opportunities being offered below and sign up to Volunteer Now!
SisterFriends is a volunteer effort to support healthier moms and babies. SisterFriends provides support to pregnant moms and their families until their baby’s first birthday. SisterFriends is a community movement to create a circle of care around Detroit families. Visit SisterFriends to learn more.
Parks and Recreation
The City of Detroit Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for 308 parks and 12 recreation facilities across every neighborhood in the city. Detroit's parks range from mini parks under 2 acres of land, to sprawling parks like Rouge Park, which covers more than 1,000 acres. Residents and visitors can take advantage of a number of park amenities including basketball and volleyball courts, soccer and football fields, ice skating rinks, swing and climbing sets, sledding hills and more.
Sign up to volunteer for Parks and Recreation
Goal Detroit
Detroit PAL has teamed up with the Mayor's Office and Detroit public and charter schools to create a new youth soccer league. Volunteer coaches host weekly games during September through November. Volunteers also serve as team managers and event assistants.
Sign up for Goal Detroit
Medical Reserves Corps
Program strengthens communities by helping medical, public health and other volunteers offer their expertise throughout the year as well as during local emergencies and other times of community need. MRC volunteers work in coordination with existing local emergency response programs and also supplement existing community public health initiatives, such as outreach and prevention, immunization programs, blood drives, case management, care planning, and other efforts.
Sign up for Medical Reserves Corps.
Volunteer in Police Service (VIPS)
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) is a program to enhance the capacity of local law enforcement. VIPS serves as a gateway to resources and information for and about law enforcement volunteer programs. Funded by DOJ, VIPS is sponsored by the Detroit Police Department and represented by the Detroit Police Reserve Program.
Sign up for VIPS
Volunteer Training Opportunities:
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
CERT is a community-centered disaster preparedness and response program. The national objective is to build resilient communities by training citizens in emergency preparedness. It allows members of the community to become trained volunteers in the event of a disaster or emergency. CERT volunteers are NOT first responders but provide support to first responders to help mitigate damage and save lives.
Want to know more about the CERT program?
The National CERT Training program includes the following modules:
- Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness
- Unit 2: Fire Safety & Suppression
- Unit 3: Disaster Medical Operations-Part 1
- Unit 4: Disaster Medical Operations-Part 2
- Unit 5: Light Search and Rescue Operations
- Unit 6: CERT Organization (includes ICS Functions)
- Unit 7: Disaster Psychology
- Unit 8: Terrorism
Class participants receive a CERT emergency backpack and participants who complete the training are encouraged to join the City of Detroit CERT Team.
A CERT training class is completing Saturday Aug 19 - the next free CERT Training will be Nov 9 - Nov 11, & Nov 18. If you are interested in signing up to attend a CERT Training please go to the City of Detroit CERT website.