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Electronic Plan Review (ePlans) for Building Permits
As part of our commitment to innovation and customer service, to provide a more transparent and efficient Plan Review process, The City of Detroit Buildings Safety Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED) has launched City of Detroit “ePLANS” for all Conditional Use Hearings, Building Permits, requiring plan review and/or Site Plan Review Applications as part of a major effort to overhaul its permitting operation.
Applicants will be able to submit their plans electronically and check the status of plan reviews from anywhere in the world through the BSEED ePLANS web portal. Applicants will have the option of submitting plans for review via ePLANS or through traditional hard-copy blueprints helping to streamline the permitting process and reduce review times.
New for 2018: ePLANS Video Tutorials Now Live!
To better serve our customers, BSEED has created several short, narrated video tutorials showing how to use ePLANS.
Want to provide feedback on the videos? Fill out our survey
Getting Started with City Of Detroit ePLANS
- Follow the steps listed in our to configure your workstation
- Follow the steps listed in our document to create your login information
- For a more detailed overview of the ePLANS process from start to finish refer to our
Blight Clearance Required for Permits
A Department of Administrative Hearings (DAH)-issued “Blight Clearance” is now required by City Law in order to apply for a city permit, certificate or variance issued by Department of Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental (BSEED).
Food Service Establishments