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Stoudamire Park
A 1-acre park at Troester and Hayes streets, in northeast Detroit's Mapleridge neighborhood, the park currently has picnic tables and benches but no other recreational amenities. The City of Detroit Parks and Recreation Division (DPRD) recently received funding for improvements at this Park. This season DPRD will be conducting community engagement to hear what amenities would best serve local residents and families. After community engagement the project will be finalized for construction in 2023 and 2024.
Park Re-Naming
City Council recently approved the renaming of this park from Troester-Hayes to Marlowe Stoudamire, in honor of a community leader who grew up a few blocks from the park, who worked and advocated for increased opportunities and improved quality of life for Detroiters. Read more about the renaming: The City of Detroit announces renaming of Troester-Hayes Park in honor of late community advocate Marlowe Stoudamire
Coming Park Improvements
Tell us what you would like to see in the park! - CLICK HERE TO TAKE THE SURVEY
Project Timeline:
Attend the upcoming community meeting via zoom:
Juliana Fulton - Deputy Chief Parks Planner
Arianna Zannetti - Assistant Chief Landscape Architect