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Midwest Tireman at a Glance

The framework name, Midwest-Tireman, is a combination of two “official” names of the neighborhood. The Department of Neighborhoods  (DON) refer to the neighborhood as “Midwest”; whereas the City of Detroit’s Master Plan refers to the same area as “Tireman”.  

Other names used for the community include: “the Westside”, “The Old Westside,” and “The North of Warren Community”.  Likely as an implementation item at the end of the framework process, a DON led community engagement process will seek input from residents on what the name should be.  

The advent of the Joe Louis Greenway highlights the crossroads which this neighborhood lies. We will promote the theme “Making Connections with New Opportunities” to emphasize the nodes created from the Greenway’s path as well as existing major thoroughfares that connect this neighborhood to the rest of the city.