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Rogell Park

Rogell Park Updated Project Timeline

Rogell Park is the newest park acquisition for City of Detroit park system. The park will be developed on 98 acres on site located at 18600 Berg Road, formally known as the Rogell Golf Course.  The initial vision for Rogell was established during the Grand River Northwest Neighborhood Framework Plan adopted in 2018.  During that community engagement process, the redevelopment of the former golf course into a public park arose as a priority.  Special focus groups were formed for the Rogell Park Master Plan also adopted in 2018.  The result is a concept defining Rogell Park as one of Detroit’s signature passive-recreation destinations; immersing Detroiters into nature through trails, wetlands, and meadows.


Rogell Park Project Update 8/23/23:

The Rogell ResAP was submitted to EGLE in March '23 for informal review. GSD received EGLE's response in June '23 requiring additional revisions.  The revised ResAP was submitted once again for informal review in July '23.  As long as EGLE continues to recommend changes, the submissions will remain informal. Once EGLE indicates the ResAP is ready for Final Review, GSD will formally submit the ResAP and the time clock will start for EGLE to respond within 180 days. EGLE's approval or denial of the ResAP is final. As such, it is in our benefit to continue to resolve issues with the ResAP informally until EGLE has no further comment.
PLEASE NOTE: The timeline for the DEGC's RFP for the development site has changed from the information we provided in February.  For CURRENT information, please contact Nicole Scott with DECG.

Rogell Park Open House Recap

Thank you to all the residents and staff that came out to our Rogell Park Open House on Tuesday, Feb 28th & an even bigger thank you to EcoWorks Detroit for their hospitality!  Based on community feedback, we've updated our page with more information. 

KEEP SCROLLING BELOW to access the following:



Click on the image below to read a list of FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS  about the Rogell Park Improvement Project. This list of questions was developed based directly on resident questions during the public engagement process. It answers common questions about site development, park design, stormwater, and more. All information is current as of February 2023. 


Please note that the information provided in the FAQ's regarding the DEGC RFP Process has changed.  For current information, please contact Nicole Scott with DEGC.


There were multiple requests for images & copies of the major plans that we talked about at the Open House.  SCROLL DOWN below the timeline to find thumbnail links to each of the plans associated with the project in chronological order.  The Open House Presentation (Feb 28th) fully describes the Park Design Process.



  • Grand River/Northwest Neighborhood Framework Plan (July 2018): Guiding document for the entire Grand River/Northwest Neighborhood- includes strategies for land use, public spaces, streetscapes, housing and more. 

For more information about the Framework Plan, contact Planning & Development- Grand River Northwest.


  • Rogell Park Master Plan (July 2018): The Master Plan provides the overall vision for the entire Rogell Park site, including parkland, habitat, road improvements, and more

For more information about the Master Plan, contact Michele Flournoy or Julie Connochie with Planning & Development.


  • Rogell Park Open House Presentation (2/28/23): This presentation provides a summary of the Park Design process and outlines what is being proposed for this phase of improvements.  Proposed improvements are subject to change depending on the outcomes of the competitive bidding process.

For more information about Park Planning & Engagement, contact Shamori Whitt or Dara O'Byrne with the General Services Department- Parks & Recreation, Public Spaces Planning Unit

For more information about Park Design & Construction, contact Farhat Chaudhry or Jeff Klein with the General Services Department- Parks & Recreation, Landscape Design Unit



The private 22-acre development site is outside the boundary of the Rogell Park  and is being managed by the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC)

Neither a developer or the type of development have been selected for the site.  The first step in that process is releasing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to get competitive bids from developers outlining their visions for the property. DEGC is anticipated to release an RFP some time in Spring 2023.

For DEVELOPMENT SITE  questions, contact Catherine Frazier with DEGC.


The City is also making copies of the Phase I & Phase II Environmental Assessments available to the public, along with the Documentation of Due Care Compliance Report.  SCROLL DOWN  and click on the thumbnail images below to view copies of the documents.  

  • PHASE I ESA:  The Phase I Report looks at current site conditions, historical use reviews, and other regulatory records to assess the likelihood that a site is contaminated.  If the investigation shows a significant reason to believe there may be hazardous substances present on site,  a Phase II Study is required to verify the level of contamination.  In the case of Rogell Park, it's previous use as a golf course warranted a Phase II ESA.  
  • PHASE II ESA: The Phase II Report sends samples taken from the site to a laboratory to examine whether the suspected hazardous substances are present in the soil, soil-vapor, and/or groundwater. The laboratory results are reported and a determination is made on whether or not the property owner has "Due Care" obligations to make the property safe. Consistent with former golf courses, common contaminants associated with certain older weed growth inhibitors and pesticides used primarily in the Green areas of the course were identified- meaning the City has Due Care obligations to prevent the public from exposure to these potentially hazardous substances.
  • DOCUMENTATION OF DUE CARE COMPLIANCE (DDCC):  According to Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), property owners have Due Care obligations once they have the knowledge their property is contaminated. The property owner must take sufficient action to ensure that they are not causing unacceptable exposures on their site.  Once completed,  these actions are described in the Documentation of Due Care Compliance (DDCC) Report.  The report linked below describes the approved actions the City is currently taking to ensure that we are preventing the public from potential contamination at Rogell.


  • RESPONSE ACTIVITY PLAN (ResAP):  Because of its Due Care obligations (described above), the City is working with EGLE to develop a plan outlining the response activities that will be undertaken to address any unacceptable exposure risks at the site.  Construction will not begin until EGLE has approved a Response Activity Plan (ResAP). Approval from EGLE ensures that the property is safe for the current use or a planned end use (post-redevelopment). Not only do the actions outlined in the ResAP protect the public from potential exposure during the development process, it ensures that the City fulfils its ongoing obligation to operate the site safely once construction is complete.  The City has been actively working with EGLE in drafting this plan and it is anticipated to be submitted for approval by Spring 2023. Once submitted, EGLE can take up to 180 days to approve the plan.  We will post the approved ResAP once it is complete.


For more information on the Environmental Site Assessments, contact Anita Harrington with BSEED.


The timeline outlined below is based on the City's ResAP being submitted in March 2023.


Rogell Park Park Project Construction Timeline







Get Informed at our Community Open House for Rogell Park!


On Tuesday, February 28, 2023 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, the City of Detroit will be hosting a Community Open House for Rogell Park at EcoWorks Detroit (22400 W. Seven Mile Rd). Several key departments involved with the Rogell Park Master Plan will be present to answer questions and provide more information about what's planned for the site.  Whether you're concerned about the park itself, the neighborhood, or anticipated commercial development, a project partner will be there to update you with the latest news. The evening will begin with a brief presentation before attendees move independently through the Open House to connect with the various entities present. 

Project partners in attendance will include Parks, Planning & Development, Buildings, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department (BSEED), Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) and more! 

Keep scrolling down for instructions on where to park and how to enter the building.

Flyer for the Rogell Park Open House on Tuesday, Feb 28th


Where to park at EcoWorks (22400 W. 7 Mile Rd): Limited space is available in the employee lot directly behind the building.  Additional street parking is available on Redfern St & McIntyre St. 


Directions to park behind EcoWorks building at 22400 W 7 Mile Rd or on side streets



Rogell Park Project Information Archive 


Phase One Implementation

Rogell Park is the newest park acquisition for City of Detroit park system. The park will be developed on 98 acres on site located at 18600 Berg Road, formally known as the Rogell Golf Course. As part of the Grand River - Northwest Neighborhood Framework Plan, the site was identified to be developed as a new park. In 2018 the Rogell Park Master Plan was completed, and it outlined near-term and long-term goals. This year, the Parks and the Recreation Division will engage with residents to define the design for the first phase of improvements.

Click here to see the Rogell Master Plan!

As part of the Grand River Northwest Neighborhood Framework Plan, the former Rogell Golf Course was identified to be developed as a new park. In 2018, the Rogell Park Masterplan was completed and it outlined near-term and long-term goals. Phase One is going to focus on trails and connections within and to the park and is slated for construction in 2021. The City has developed a short survey to gather additional input about your priorities and concerns for Rogell Park. The survey will be open until the end of September.

What We’ve Done 

The City purchased the Rogell site in late 2018 and made edge and fencing improvements in 2019 including resurfacing and traffic calming on Berg Road. City hired a design team and has been meeting with them regularly to discuss the budget, schedule, and priorities from the 2018 masterplan. Design team has walked through the park and reviewed existing survey and environmental documentation to get a good idea of opportunities and constraints. Developed preliminary layout of trails and neighborhood connections to present to the community for input and feedback.


Community Engagement to Date


Please contact Farhat Chaudhry, City of Detroit General Services Department at 313.687.4078 or [email protected].