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City Planning Commission Meeting - November 5, 2020


City Planning Commission Header

On Thursday, November 5, 2020, the Detroit City Planning Commission will hold two public hearings to consider proposed rezonings. Please scroll down for viewing instructions.

Kirby Rezoning Graphic

At 5:10pm, the request of Paul Silveri on behalf of Kirby Holdings, LLC and the Detroit City Planning Commission to rezone 399, 401, 425, 433, 443, and 457 E. Kirby Avenue from R3 (Low Density Residential District) to R5 (Medium Density Residential District). The petitioner is proposing to establish a retail store and/or restaurant within the existing building at 457 E. Kirby.

Madison Randolph Rezoning Graphic

At 6:00pm, the request of Hiram Jackson on behalf of Paradise Real Estate Holdings II, LLC and the Detroit City Planning Commission to rezone 300 Madison Avenue, 1400, 1452, 1468, 1480, 1496, and 1502 Randolph Street from B4 (General Business District) to B5 (Major Business District). The petitioner is proposing to construct a new multiple-family residential building with ground floor commercial space.

The Detroit City Planning Commission will be meeting virtually using video conferencing software in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

The CPC meeting may be viewed in the following manner.

Online: https://cityofdetroit.zoom.us/j/96355593579?pwd=TTloMzN5M3pmU1RKNXp1MjJlczN3UT09

Or iPhone one-tap: US: +12678310333, 96355593579# or +13017158592, 96355593579#

Or by Telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 267 831 0333 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 213 338 8477 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799

Webinar ID: 963 5559 3579

Public comment/testimony may be given at the appropriate times during the meeting when called for. If you desire to speak and are attending the meeting online press the raise your hand icon at the bottom of the screen or press ALT-Y for a PC or OPT-Y for a MAC to raise your hand virtually. If attending by phone press *-9 to raise your hand.

Please see the attached public hearing notices for additional details.