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أسئلة شكاوى الشرطة

The Role of Office of the Chief Investigator

Serve as the investigative staff for the Board of Police Commissioners and the Citizens of Detroit by conducting impartial investigations concerning allegations against the Detroit Police Department. 

Encourage all citizens to express their concerns about police misconduct and whenever necessary to file a complaint if they feel they have been the victim or witness of police misconduct. 

Thoroughly investigate each allegation with objectivity and efficiency to ensure that the rights of the citizens have not been violated and that officers are operating under the proper procedures, guidelines and laws. 

Report to the Board of Police Commissioners patterns of misconduct arising from citizen complaint investigations and any other relevant matters that may arise or warrant the Board’s attention.   

Inform the community that the Office of the Chief Investigator exist to help promote and protect the welfare of the citizens of Detroit.

What is OCI?

The Office of the Chief Investigator (OCI) serves as the investigative staff for the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners. The OCI directs the process of receiving and investigating citizens' complaints against the Detroit Police Department. The staff includes both civilian and sworn investigators.

How can I make a complaint?

If you have a concern regarding the performance of any Detroit Police Department employee, you have a right to file a complaint by letter, telephone, online, fax, or in person, through any entity of the Police Department, or in person at the OCI.

If you decide to speak with someone at the precinct, you will be referred to a supervisory officer. The supervisor will take the complaint detailing the allegations.

What happens next?

The citizen complaint report will be completed and forwarded to the OCI for further investigation. You will receive a copy of this report, and the Citizen Complaint Report Number. All complaints will be forwarded to the OCI for investigation and resolution. If your complaint alleges criminal conduct by an officer, it will be forwarded to Internal Affairs/Force Investigation.

The Chief Investigator, who is required by city charter to be a civilian, reviews all findings from the investigations and then makes a recommendation to the Board.

The findings are then reviewed and approved by a member of the Board of Police Commissioners. The findings are also reviewed by the Chief of Police or his or her designee. After approval by the BPC, the OCI will notify you in writing of the investigative findings.

Results of the findings

The allegations will cite the appropriate findings as follows:


Where the preponderance of the evidence shows that the alleged conduct did occur and the actions of the officer(s) violated Detroit Police Department policies, procedures or training.


Where there are insufficient facts to decide whether the alleged misconduct occurred.


Where the preponderance of the evidence shows that the alleged conduct did occur but did not violate Detroit Police Department policies, procedures or training.


Where the investigation revealed no facts to support that the incident complained of actually occurred.

What are results of the findings?

The allegations will cite the appropriate findings as follows:

Where the preponderance of the evidence shows that the alleged conduct did occur and the actions of the officer(s) violated Detroit Police Department policies, procedures or training.

Where there are insufficient facts to decide whether the alleged misconduct occurred.

Where the preponderance of the evidence shows that the alleged conduct did occur but did not violate Detroit Police Department policies, procedures or training.

Where the investigation revealed no facts to support that the incident complained of actually occurred.

Can the findings of the investigation be appealed?

If you believe there was an error or omission in the investigation of your complaint, you can request the O.C.I. to review the investigation.  It is important to note however that simply being dissatisfied with the findings in not a sufficient basis for any further action.

In those cases where some error or emission is found, the O.C.I. will investigate that area of concern.  Any questions regarding any aspect of citizens complaints can be answered by calling or writing:

The Office of the Chief Investigator
900 Merrill Plaisance
Detroit, MI 48203

Contact Entity